What is the AI Burger?

What is the AI Burger?

The AI burger is our model for creating top notch AI content.

The different layers of the burger represent the tasks that a human and their AI tools do together.

Using AI is just like using any other tool.

The AI burger is made like this:

  • the base - the most important part of any creative: the idea.

  • the filling - lettuce, cheese, beef or vegan patties; these are the different AI tools that you will use to execute and flesh out your idea.

  • the top - this is where you curate the AI outputs and assemble them into your finished creative.

Want an example?

Ok, the first step is to tease out the idea. This is the base.

Let's imagine you want to create an image of a rabbit using a typewriter.

Then choose your AI tool, Midjourney in this case. Generate a few images and save them. That's the burger.

You might also want to upscale it using something like Magnific. That's a slice of cheese.

Finally you can curate the best outputs and export them. That's the top (sesame seeds optional).

All done! Add as many bread layers and fillings as you need.

AI burger illustration

Want to know more

Come to one of our events or book us to come in and talk to your team.

If you have any questions, please email us at info@thepeeps.xyz